European Union Reference Laboratory for
Bee Health
The EU RL for Honeybee Health held its 6th. annual workshop on 4th. October 2016. Representatives from the Spanish NRL (Dr. Pilar Fernandez Somalo) and from the Czech NRL (MVDr. Martin Pijacek) were invited to present their activities and the honey bee health status in their respective countries.
Participants exchanged on the small hive beetle infestation in Italy through the presentation of Dr. Franco Mutinelli (from the Italian NRL). Dr. Marc Schäfer (from the German NRL) presented an overview of the existing SHB detection and control strategies and Pr. Jeff Pettis (from USDA Bestville) presented the USA experience on SHB. The agenda also focused on the enhancement of diagnostic tools.
Presentations are available for members of the network on the website.