15th workshop - General scope

Online event

From 18 May 2021 to 17 June 2021

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Part 1: Detection/enumeration and shelf-life studies

18 May 2021 13:00-17:00


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Welcome and Opening: Opening of the workshop (Laurent LALOUX, Adrien ASSERE), Roll call of participantsNetwork update (Adrien ASSERE), DG SANTE update (Martial PLANTADY)

Guidance documents: Surface sampling (Graziella MIDELET), Storage temperature (Ludivine BONANNO), Shelf-life studies for laboratories and food business operators (Hélène BERGIS)

Supports to NRLs: Implementation of EN ISO 19036 on measurement uncertainty (Bertrand LOMBARD, Léna BARRE), Ongoing work programme (Adrien ASSERE)

AOB & Closure

Part 2: Characterisation and typing

17 June 2021 13:00-17:00


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Welcome and Opening: Opening of the workshop (Jacques-Antoine HENNEKINNE, Adrien ASSERE), Presentation of the workshop, Roll call of participants, 2021 EURL Lm work programme (Adrien ASSERE)

Lm context by EFSA & ECDC: 2019 EU reporting in humans and food (Taïna NISKANEN, ECDC and Frank BOELAERT, EFSA), EFSA One Health System (Mirko ROSSI, EFSA), 2020 multi country outbreaks (Eleonora SARNO)

Supports to NRLs: 2020 WGS proficiency test (Maroua SAYEB), GenoListeria (Benjamin FELIX), NGS EURL working group update (Adrien ASSERE), StarFlow for NRLs (Maroua SAYEB), WG25: upcoming WGS Standard (Adrien ASSERE)

When NRLs take the floor:
IT - Real-Time PCR-based screening method from WGS data and useful bioinformatics tools (Marina TORRESI, IZSAM)
CZ - Comparative analysis of genetic determinants encoding cadmium, arsenic, and benzalkonium chloride resistance in Listeria monocytogenes of various origin (Teresa GELBICOVA, VRI Brno)
DE - Backtracking and forward checking of human listeriosis clusters identified a multiclonal outbreak linked to Listeria monocytogenes in meat products of a single producer (Stefanie LÜTH, BfR)

AOB & Closure

Asséré Adrien
Manager EURL Lm
Danan Corinne
Head of the NRL
corinne.danan@anses.fr  /  ​+33156295646