European Union Reference Laboratory for

♦ 26 January 2018 ♦
[Relayed from www.efsa.europa.eu website] “This reporting manual provides guidance for reporting on zoonoses and zoonotic agents in animals, food and feed under the framework of Directive 2003/99/EC and also on the reporting of other pathogenic microbiological agents in food. The objective is to harmonise and streamline reporting by Member States (MSs) to ensure that the data collected are relevant and easy to analyse at the European Union (EU) level. This manual covers all the zoonoses and zoonotic agents included under the current data collection system run by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Detailed instructions are provided on reporting data in both table and text form. […] The instructions given are related to the description of the sampling and monitoring schemes applied, as well as analysing the results in the national reports. […]”. Rabies part can be found in chapter “5.11. Rabies in animals” page 57 of the manual.