The EURL Team is pleased to launch a call for participation in a rabies diagnostic proficiency test that will be organized in 2025. Registration ends on February 3rd 2025. This proficency test is restricted to network members who received an invitation. It will be performed on a unique panel to evaluate the rabies diagnosis conclusion on 10 samples using at least one of the following techniques: FAT (Fluorescent Antibody Test), RTCIT (Rabies Tissue Culture Infection Test), Conventional RT-PCR...
The registration to the 16th workshop for rabies that will be held on 10 and 11 June 2025 in Maisons-Alfort is now open. This new Workshop edition will be held exclusively in person at ANSES headquarters. It will address the current situation of rabies surveillance and control in EU. More details like the provisional agenda will be soon relayed to registered participants. Registration to this event is restricted to National Reference Laboratories from the European Union Member States and to...
We’re glad to inform you that the report of the inter-laboratory test evaluating the performance characteristics of the pan-lyssavirus real-time RT-PCR tests has just been released.
We would like to warmly thank all the participants for their implication and their contribution in a better understanding of the available pan RT-PCR techniques, their variations and implications.
The report is available under restricted access here (onglet ILT reports).
Review of rabies analysis oral route diagnosis and follow-up vaccination carried out in the NRLs in 2023 is now available on the website (under restricted access)!
The EURL for Rabies is glad to announce that the next Workshop will held the 10 and 11 June 2025 in Maison-Alfort, France, a municipality in the suburbs of Paris.
Please take note that this Workshop dedicated to NRL will be held on site only. The meeting place will be located at ANSES headquarters.
Save the Date in your agendas!
Monitoring Rabies in Media dashboard has been developed by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) to monitor open source Media for news articles related to rabies. It presents the spatiotemporal distribution of news articles published worldwide, it classifies the articles by source and target country, it detects alerts when the number of publications is increasing unexpectedly and it provides access to the webpages of the...
The 15th edition of the Workshop for Rabies took place in Vienna, Austria, on 5 and 6 June 2024. This year, the event was organized in hybrid format with 48 physical and 28 online attendances.
It was with pleasure that everyone gathered to meet and discuss the latest news about rabies in Europe and future projects. We thank AGES for co-organizing and hosting this event and all the participants, who brought this Workshop to life through their various presentations.
The presentations given...
Dear Colleagues,
The year 2023 has been full of challenges, thank you for everything you have brought
and for your constant implictaion in our collaboartive projects.
We hope you will have restfull and joyful end of year celebrations.
Best wishes and see you soon in 2024!
The EURL for Rabies is glad to announce that the next Rabies Workshop
will held the 5 and 6 June 2023 in Vienna, Austria.
This event dedicated to the NRL for Rabies network will be closely co-organised by AGES, the Austrian Federal Ministry and ANSES.
As previous years, there will also be the opportunity to take part online as the event will be in hybrid format.
Save the Date in your agendas!
The Slovenian capital Ljubljana was the venue for the annual rabies meeting organised by EURL on June 21-22, 2023. This year’s edition was marked by great joy for the reunion and very constructive exchanges on various rabies topics as well as on future joint work. In addition to the representative of the European Commission, Thierry Chalus, and representatives of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) (formerly known as “OIE”), the Food and Agriculture...