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Bee Health
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Third training on honey bee diseases held on October 18 2017

On October 18th., the EU RL for Honeybee Health organised the third training on honeybee diseases. The training was dedicated to the PCR diagnosis methods (conventional and real-time) for detection, identification and/or quantification of honey bee pathogens. This training was intended for EU NRLs that have little or no experience in the diagnosis of bee diseases by PCR and wish to implement such methods.

The requirements and recommendations for implementation of PCR diagnosis described in the international standards (OIE and ISO 17025) were presented. Then, the implementation and the performance of PCR diagnosis methods as long as the interpretation of either qualitative or quantitative results were detailed.

Presentations are available for members of the network on the website.

Seventh EU RL annual workshop held on October 17 2017

The EU RL for Honeybee Health held its 7th. annual workshop on 17th. October 2017. The main activities conducted by the EU RL in 2017 were presented. The agenda focused on the enhancement of diagnostic tools in parasitology, virology and bacteriology, the production of reference materials and the organization of two interlaboratory proficiency tests (ILPTs) in 2017 – one on Nosema spores counting by microscopy and another on the determination of neonicotinoid residues in beebread.

Besides the presentation of the main actions and activities conducted by the EU RL, participants had the pleasure to listen to presentations from various NRL representatives. In addition, Dr. Panuwan Chantawannakul (Chiang Mai University, Thailand) was invited to present current knowledge on Tropilaelaps spp. mites.

Dr. Metka Pislak Ocepek, from the Slovenian NRL, gave a talk on their activities and the honey bee health status in their country. Hemma Köglberger, from the Austrian NRL presented a surveillance study set up during one year in Austria to collect data on colony losses. Dr. Franco Mutinelli presented a state of play of the occurrence and surveillance of the small hive beetle in Southern Italy and Kirsty Stainton from the British NRL showed the actions set up following the detection of Asian hornet specimens in United Kingdom in 2016.

We thank all the speakers for their interesting presentations and to all contributors of this fruitful workshop.

Presentations are available for members of the network on the website.

Surveillance of Aethina tumida in Italy in 2017

A sentinel apiary was found positive for Aethina tumida on 28th. September 2017. Two adult beetles were detected. This apiary is located in the municipality of Candidoni, located in the protection zone, north of the province of Reggio di Calabria.

As of 07th. March 2018, six sentinel apiaries, three apiaries belonging to beekeepers and two natural swarms were found infested in Calabria in 2017. These cases show the persistence of the small hive beetle in this region.


See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (dated from 30th. November 2017)

See "Table of positive cases of SHB" (dated from 30th. November 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

Figure 1: The extended 30 km zone for monitoring A. tumida in Calabria (dated from 30th. November 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

Figure 2: The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (dated from 30th. November 2017)

As of 29th. November 2017, three A. tumida adult specimens have been detected on 2nd. August in a sentinel apiary located in Maropati in the protection zone, 10km away from an outbreak confirmed at the beginning of April in Laureana Di Borello and 20km away from the last sentinel apiary found positive on 31st. July (San Pietro Di Carida).

No new outbreaks have been discovered in the province of Cosenza (situated in the North of Calabria) since September 2016.

See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (dated from 5th. September 2017)

See "Table of positive cases of SHB" (dated from 5th. September 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

Figure 1: The extended 30 km zone for monitoring A. tumida in Calabria (dated from 5th. September 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

Figure 2: The 10 km zone for monitoring A. tumida in Cosenza (dated from 5th. September 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

Figure 3: The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (dated from 5th. September 2017)

A new outbreak was confirmed on 25th. May in the municipality of Scilla in the protection zone, toward the south (red cross) and reported on 4th. August on the Italian website. This outbreak corresponds to a natural swarm where an Aethina tumida adult specimen was detected. This outbreak is situated approximately 7 km away from the positive sentinel apiary discovered late June in Villa San Giovanni. These two cases are situated in the southwest of Calabria which resulted in a widening of the protection zone to a small part of Sicilia.

Adult specimens have also been detected on 31st. July in a sentinel apiary located in San Pietro di Carida in the protection zone, 10km away from an outbreak confirmed at the beginning of April in Laureana Di Borello.

See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (dated from 4th. August 2017)

See "Table of positive cases of SHB" (dated from 4th. August 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

Figure 1: The extended 30 km zone for monitoring A. tumida in Calabria (dated from 4th. August 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

Figure 2: The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (dated from 4th. August 2017)

As of now, Aethina tumida adult specimens have been detected in 2 sentinel apiaries on 14th June and 29th June respectively (purple crosses on maps). One sentinel apiary was located in in the municipality of Stignano, situated approximately 10 km away from the original protection zone and where an outbreak was discovered last April. The other sentinel apiary was located in Villa San Giovanni, situated approximately 20 km away toward the south from Gioia Tauro (the location around which the original protection zone was established in September 2014).

See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (dated from 30th. June 2017)

See "Table of positive cases of SHB" (dated from 30th. June 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

Figure 1: The extended 30 km zone for monitoring A. tumida in Calabria (dated from 30th. June 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

Figure 2: The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (dated from 30th. June 2017)

As of 15th. May 2017, five new cases of infestation by the small hive beetle (SHB) were detected in March and April 2017 in the province of Regio Calabria in the South of Italy:

  • Three outbreaks were confirmed at the end of March / beginning of April in the protection zone of 20 km established around Gioia Tauro after the discovery of the first cases in 2014. One of them corresponds to a natural swarm which was infested by adults of SHB and hundreds of larvae (red crosses on maps).
  • One outbreak was also discovered in April in the municipality of Stignano, situated approximately 10 km away from the protection zone, on the East coast of the province of Regio Calabria. (red crosses on maps)
  • A sentinel apiary was finally confirmed positive in the protection zone in early April. (purple cross on maps)

Among the infested apiaries, two are situated on the Ionian coast of Calabria, showing that the small hive beetle crossed the mountainous zone situated in the center of the province. Inquiries are in progress to establish the origin of the spread. The apiary situated in the municipality of Stignano belongs to a beekeeper also owning colonies in the protection zone, which could constitute a potential epidemiological link.

These new surveillance data led to an extension of the protection zone in Calabria.

They reflect the persistence of cases in the infested zones and show that the small hive beetle remains present in the environment.

The sanitary situation in Sicily remains unchanged (no new case discovered since the year 2014)*.

No new outbreaks have been discovered in the province of Cosenza (situated in the North of Calabria) since September 2016.

Finally, it should be noted that the cases were detected very early in 2017 compared to the previous years (cases detected in March/April while they were discovered in July/September in 2016 for apiaries belonging to beekeepers, i.e. that are "not sentinels").

* Note: the Commission Implementing decision (EU) 2017/370 of March 1st. 2017, removed  Sicily from the list of areas subject to protective measures in relation to SHB in Italy. According to the sanitary situation (one isolated case quickly detected and eradicated in 2014, caused by the movement of hives from Calabria), the infestation was indeed considered as eradicated on this territory.


See "Table of sentinel nuclei positive for SHB" (dated from15th. May 2017)

See "Table of positive cases of SHB" (dated from 15th. May 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

Figure 1: The original 20 km zone for monitoring A. tumida in Calabria and the extended zone of 30km (dated from 15th. May 2017)

Please click on the map to access the document with a higher resolution.

The 100 km zone for monitoring A. tumida presence in Italy (dated from 15th. May 2017)
