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Our Network
Our European Network
Member state | Reference laboratory | Group of residues |
Belgium |
CER Groupe - Département Santé
Rue du Point du Jour, 8
B-6900 Marloie Belgium
Phone number : +32 8431 0090 Fax number : +32 8431 6108 Contact : Philippe Delahaut
all groups |
ILVO - Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research
Technology and Food Science Unit - Food Safety
Brusselsesteenweg 370
B-9090 Melle Belgium
Phone number : +32 9272 3011 Fax number : +32 9272 3001 Contact : Els Daeseleire / Wim Reybroeck
all groups | |
Bulgaria |
Central Laboratory of Veterinary Control and Ecology (CLVCE)
5 'Iskarsko Shousse' Str.
BG-1528 Sofia
Phone number: +359 2 973 11 45 Fax number: +359 2 979 07 42 clvce@clvce.eu www.clvce.eu
all groups |
Czech Republic |
State Veterinary Institute Jihlava
Rantirovska 93,
586 05 Jihlava, Czech Republic
Phone number :+420 567143111 Fax number :+420 567143266 www.svujihlava.cz Contact: Alena Honzlova
B1, B3d, B3e |
National Reference Laboratory for residues of Veterinary Drugs
Hudcova 56 A
Brno 621 00
Phone number :420 5 4200 22-25 Fax number : 420 5 4121 2607
A, B2 | |
Cyprus |
General State Laboratory Ministry of Health
Kimonos Street 44
Nicosia 1451
Phone : 357-22305076 Fax number : 357-22316434 Contact: Militsa Hadjigeorgiou
all groups |
Denmark |
National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
Dept. of Food Chemistry
Mørkhøj Bygade 19
DK-2860 Søborg
Phone: +45 7234 7000 Fax: +45 7234 7001 www.food.dtu.dk Contact: Jens Henge Andersen
all groups |
Spain |
Centro Nacional de Alimentación del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo
Carretera Pozuelo-Majadahonda, km 6.2.
Majadahonda. Madrid.
Contact: Patricia Munoz
A1, A3, A4, A5, B1, B2f (corticosteroids), B3c (only aquaculture), B3d, B3e |
Estonia |
Estonian Veterinary and Food Laboratory
Kreutzwaldi 30
Tartu 51006
Phone number : 372 7 36 6104 Fax number : 372 7 38 6102 Contact: Madis Löhmus
B1 |
Finland |
Eläinlääkintä ja elintarviketutkimuslaitos (EVIRA)
(Finnish Food Safety Authority)
Mustialankatu 3
FIN-00790 Helsinki
Phone : + 358-9-393101 Fax: + 358-9-3931920 www.eela.fi Contact person: Prof. Kimmo Peltonen
all groups |
France |
Anses - Laboratory of Fougères
10 B, rue Claude Bourgelat - Javené
CS 40608
F-35306 FOUGERES Cedex
Director : P. Sanders
Contact : E. Verdon - B. Roudaut
A6, B1, B2a, B2b, B2d, B2e, B2f, B3e |
Anses - Laboratory of Sophia-Antipolis
Les Templiers – 105, Route des Chappes
BP111F – F-06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex
B2 for honey | |
Germany |
CRL/NRL for residues
Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL)
Mauerstrasse 39-42
Postfach 110260
D-10832 Berlin
Tel: + 49 1888 412 - 2302
Fax: + 49 1888 412 - 2955
Contact: Dr Petra Gowik
all groups |
Greece |
Institute of Food Hygiene
Neapoleos 25 Aghia Paraskevi
153 10 Athens
Phone: +302 10 60 125 94 Fax: + 302 10 60 125 94 Contact: Dimitris Skafidas
A2, A5, A6 (chlopromazine), B1, B2d, B3a, (PCBs), B3b, B3e |
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Tripolis
Pelagos Arkadis
221 00 Tripolis
A6 (chloramphenicol, nitrofurans), B2c | |
Hungary |
National Food Investigation (control) Institute
Mester u.81.
Budapest 1465
Phone number : 36(1) 456-3010 Fax number : 36 (1) 6858
all groups |
Ireland |
Central Meat Control Laboratory
Dublin 15
Phone: + 353 1 607 2950 Fax: + 353 1 821 4966
A2, A5, A6 (except nitrofurans, nitromidazoles), B1, B2d, B2f (except teflubenzuron + diflubenzuron), B3c |
National Food Centre
Food Safety Department
Dunsinea, Ashtown,
Dublin 15
Phone: + 353-1-8059500 Fax: + 353-1-8059550 Contact: Martin Danaher
A6 (nitrofuranes only), B2a except emamectin, B2c | |
Marine Institute
Dublin 15
B2a (only emamectin), B2f (only teflubenzuron and diflubenzuron), B3e | |
Italy |
Instituto superiore di sanità
Viale Regina Elena 299
I-00161 Roma
all groups |
Latvia |
Institute if Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment - BIOR
Lejupes Street 3,
Riga, LV-1076
phone: +371 620 624 fax: +371 620 434 www.bior.gov.lv
Contact: Vadims Bartkevics (Deputy head of Food Control Laboratory)
B2a, B2b, B2c |
Lithuania |
National Veterinary Laboratory
J.Kairiukscio 10
Vilnius 2021
B2a, B2b, B2c |
Luxemburg |
Institut scientifique de la Santé publique: Louis Pasteur
Rue J Wytsman 14
B-1050 Bruxelles
all groups |
Malta |
Ministry for Rural affairs and the environement, food and veterinary regulation division
Albertown, Marsa
Phone number: +356-21-242694 ext. 386/387 Fax number: +356-21-238105 mrae.gov.mt/veterinary.asp Contact: Dr Susan Chircop
all groups |
The Netherlands |
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne
Antoine van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9
Postbus 1
3720 BA Bilthoven
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 (chlorpromazyne, colchicine, aristolochia, somatotrophines, chloramphenicol), B2d, B2f, B3c, B3d, B3e |
Rijkswaliteitsinstituut voor land- en tuinbouwproducten (RIKILT)
Institute of Food Safety
Bornsesteeg 45
PO Box 230
6708 PD Wageningen
Phone: + 31 317 47 55 97 Fax: + 31 317 417 717 www.rikilt.wur.nl Contact : Tina Zuidema
A6, (nitrofurans, dapson, nitroimidazoles, chloroform), B1, B2 (exc, B2d, B2f) B3a, B3b | |
Austria |
Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH
Kompetenzzentrum Tierarzneimittel und Hormone
Spargelfeldst. 191
A-1220 Wien
Phone: +43 50555-32628 Fax: +43 50555-32630
e-mail: thomas.kuhn@ages.at www.ages.at
1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B1, B2a, B2b, B2d, B2e |
Lebensmitteluntersuchungsanstalt der Stadt Wien
Henneberggasse 3, 1030 Wien
B3e | |
Poland |
Instituto Nacional dos Recursos Biologicos, I.P.
Laboratório Nacional de Investigação Veterinária
Estrada de Benfica 701
P-1500 Lisboa
Contact: Jorge Barbosa
B2a, B2b, B2c |
Portugal |
Instituto Nacional dos Recursos Biologicos, I.P.
Laboratório Nacional de Investigação Veterinária
Estrada de Benfica 701
P-1500 Lisboa
Contact: Jorge Barbosa
all groups |
Instituto de Investigação das Pescas e do Mar-IPIMAR
Avenida de Brasilia
Lisboa 1500
B3c only aquaculture | |
Romania |
Hygiene Institute of Public Veterinary Health (IISPV)
Câmpul Mosilor street no. 3-5 sector 2
Cod 021201
Phone number: +40 21 252 46 51 Fax number: +40 21 252 00 61 iispv@iispv.ro Contact: Horia Albu
Slovakia |
State veterinary and food institute
Janosjova 1611/58, 026 01 Dolny Kubin
Phone: 00421/43/5864869 Fax number: 00421/43/5868207 www.svpudk.sk Contact : Robert Germuska
B1, B3e, A6 |
Slovenia |
Veterinary Faculty of University of Ljubljana, National Veterinary Institute
Gerbiceva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone number :+386 1 4779 100, +386 1 4779 187, +386 1 4779 191 Fax number :+386 1 4779 174 http://www.vf.uni-lj.si/veterina/e-index.htm Contact : Head of National Veterinary Institute: Ksenija Sinigoj-Gacnik
B3a |
Sweden |
National Food Administration
Chemistry Division 1 - Head: Kristina Granelli
Box 622
SE-751 26 Uppsala
Phone: + 46 18 17 55 00 Fax: + 46 18 10 58 48 www.lisvmedelsverket.se Contact person: Carina Branzell (cabr@slv.se)
all groups |
United Kingdom |
AFBI - Veterinary Science Division
Stoney Road - Stormont
Belfast BT4 3SD
Contact: David Glenn Kennedy
A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 (Chloramphenicol, Nitrofurans), B3f |
Central Science Laboratory
Sand Hutton York
YO41 1LZ
Phone: +44 (0) 1904 462 000 Fax: +44 (0) 1904 462 111 www.csl.gov.uk/science/organ/pvm
Contact: Matthew Sharman
A5, A6 (dimetridazole), B3a, B3b, B3c | |
Laboratory of the Government Chemist
Queens Road
Teddington Middlesex TW 11 0LY
Contact: John Points
B3e |
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Symposia Participations
List of participations:
- Participation to the 12th Annual Conferences of the Metabolomic Society, June 27-30, 2016, Dublin, Ireland
- Participation to the 10th Scientific Days of RFMF (French Network for Metabolomic and Fluxomic), May 31 - June 2, Montpellier, France
- Participation to EURORESIDUE VIII, the Symposium on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food, May 23-25, 2016, Eegmond an Zee, The Netherlands
- Participation to RAFA2015, the 7th International Symposium of Recent Advances in Food Analysis, November 3-6, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
- Participation to the EFSA-Expo2015 Conferences "Shaping the Future of Food Safety", October 14-16, 2015, Milan, Italy
- Participation to the AQUA2015 International Symposium in Aquaculture, August 23-26, Montpellier, France
- Participation to the 3rd SASKVAL International Workshop, June 16-19, 2015, Calgary, Canada
- Participation to the 8th EURACHEM Workshop, October 2-5, 2014, Berlin, Germany
- Participation to the 3rd International Symposium on Bee Products, September 28-30, 2014, Opatia, Croatia
- Participation to the 7th International Symposium on Hormone anad Veterinary Drug Residue Analysis, June 2-5, 2014, Ghent, Belgium
- Participation to the Congress of SFSM-SPAM 2014, June 30 - July 2, Lyon, France
- Participation to the 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, November 5-8, 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
- Participation to the 4th International Proficency Testing Conferences, September 18-20, 2013, Brasov, Romania
- Participation to the 29th Montreux Symposium on LC/MS November 07-09, 2012 - Montreux, Switzerland
- Participation to the Apimondia 2012 on Queen Breeding, Selection and Honey Bee Health International Symposium November 16-18, 2012 - Quebec city, Canada
- Participation to the 13th International Symposium on Biological and Environmental Reference Materials (BERM13) June 25-29, 2012 - Vienna, Austria
- Participation to the II International Symposium on Bee Products Annual Meeting of IHC September 10-13, 2012 - Braganza, Portugal
- Participation to the PITTCON 2012 March 11-15 2012 - Orlando, FL, USA
- Participation to the 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis November 1-4, 2011 - Prague, Czech Republic
- Participation to the 7th International Workshop EURACHEM/CITAC "Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine October 2-6, 2011 - Istanbul, Turkey
- Participation to the 2nd International Workshop on Validation and Regulatory Analysis June 21-22, 2011 - Saskatoon, Canada
- Participation to the 36th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry October 5-9, 2010 - Roma, Italy
- Participation to the 5th International Symposium on Hormone and Veterinary Drug Residue Analysis June 1-4, 2010 - Ghent, Belgium
- Participation to the 4th Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis in Prague (Czech Rep.) from 3rd to 6th November 2009
- Identification of metabolites of brilliant green in trouts using LTQ-ORBITRAP - Dominique Hurtaud-Pessel, Pierrick Couedor, Michel Laurentie, Eric Verdon
- Participation to the 9th workshop "(Bio)sensors and bioanalytical microtechniques in environmental and clinical analysis" in Montréal University (Canada) from 14th to 17th June 2009
- Validation of 4 ELISA kits for the screening of nitrofuran metabolites (AOZ, AMOZ, SEM, AHD) in porcine muscle - Valérie Gaudin, Céline Hédou, Eric Verdon
Our key numbers
The scientific communication at EU-RL Fougères's Laboratory on Antimicrobial and Dye Residues
For last year 2014 :
Peer Reviewed Publications : 4
Oral Communications : 21
Annual Workshop oral communications : 18
Poster communications : 9
For global period 2002 - 2013 :
Peer Reviewed Publications : tbd
Oral Communications : tbd
Annual workshops oral communications : tbd
Poster Communications : tbd