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Recent review: Sanitary Emergencies at the Wild/Domestic Caprines Interface in Europe

by Luca Rossi, Paolo Tizzani, Luisa Rambozzi, Barbara Moroni and Pier Giuseppe Meneguz

[relayed from Animals, 9(11), 922]  Even if it is an important achievement from a biodiversity conservation perspective, the documented increase in abundance of the four native European wild Caprinae (Rupicapra rupicapra, R. pyrenaica, Capra ibex, C. pyrenaica) can also be a matter of concern, since tighter and more frequent contact with sympatric livestock implies a greater risk of transmission of emerging and re-emerging pathogens.


This article reviews the main transmissible diseases that, in a European scenario, are of greater significance from a conservation perspective. Epidemics causing major demographic downturns in wild Caprinae populations during recent decades were often triggered by pathogens transmitted at the livestock/wildlife interface

Cap to Malta: A 3-day training session in Serology

November 2019

From the 12th to th 14th of November, the EURL Brucellosis team went to the National Veterinary Laboratory in Malta to provide a practical training session. This lab is nominated NRL for Brucellosis for Malta and is ISO 17025 accredited. The NRL aims to include the main serological methods for Brucellosis diagnosis in their accreditation scope by the end of 2019.


Acacia Ferreira Vicente (Project manager- EURL Brucellosis team) and Maëline Ribeiro (Lab analyst- EURL Brucellosis team) presented diffèrent aspects of Quality Management applied to serological methods for brucellosis diagnosis. We would like to congratulate Susan Chircop (Head of Malta's Brucellosis team) and the team for their effort and dedication in all the work.
