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Title [EN]: 
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Diagnosis activities

The EURL for Brucellosis provides diagnostic services for the confirmation or negation of disease and for strain characterisation. The front-line diagnostic assays are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025.

In addition to testing for Brucellosis, the laboratory provides diagnosis for contagious epididymitis.


Bacteriology & Molecular Biology

All Species Culture of specimens and isolation of Brucella spp except  B. ovis D260
All Species PCR detection of Brucella spp. D261
All Species Culture of specimens, isolation and PCR detection of Brucella spp.  D262
All Species Culture of specimens and isolation of B.ovis D263
All Species Identification and typing of Brucella spp (OIE Manual) D270
All Species SNPs based identification (HRM PCR, sequencing)



  • Serological research for bovine brucellosis by milk ELISA
  • Serological research for bovine brucellosis by Milk Ring Test
  • Serological research for bovine brucellosis by ELISA serum
  • Serological research for bovine brucellosis by Complement Fixation Test
  • Serological research for brucellosis by Rose Bengal Test
  • Serological research for brucellosis by ELISA multi species
  • Serological research for Brucella canis Brucellosis by seroagglutination in tubes
  • Serological research for Brucella canis Brucellosis by Laminar Flow Immuno-Chromatographic Assay
  • Serological research for Ovine Contagious Epididymitis by Complement Fixation Test
  • Serological research for Ovine Contagious Epididymitis by ELISA


For any request, please contact us at eurl.brucellosis@anses.fr


Former Workshops



Interlaboratory Tests

The EURL organizes annual inter-laboratory proficiency test(s) for the NRLs. The objective of these ring-trials is to assess brucellosis diagnosic methods troughout the EU.

In this section, ILPT reports are available for downloading below (reports are sorted out by year and topic, serology or bacteriology).

2013 serology - milk 

2013 bacteriology - molecular methods

2012 serology - serum

2011 serology milk

Contact us

EURL team : Bacterial Zoonoses Unit at ANSES’s Animal Health Laboratory

Our team has extensive expertise in broad areas covering the activities of Reference (serological and bacteriological diagnosis of brucellosis in domestic animals and wildlife, inter-laboratory proficiency trial organization...), as well as Research, including molecular biology and bioinformatics. This team is part of the Bacterial Zoonoses Unit at ANSES’s Animal Health Laboratory located at Maisons-Alfort. This laboratory carries out critical missions for France and Europe in the field of animal health and public health and is characterised by its strength as a reference laboratory in bacteria zoonoses as anthrax, brucellosis, glanders, tuberculosis and tularemia.

In addition, our laboratory, as Reference Laboratory and the European Union (EU-RL), OIE and FAO Reference Centres for animal brucellosis, is strongly familiar with the training of French and foreigner scientist and technical staff, as well as in the management of international research projects.


How to contact us ?

Postal address : 

Anses - Laboratory for Animal Health,

Bacterial Zoonoses Unit, European Reference Laboratory for brucellosis
14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
94706 Maisons-Alfort Cedex
Tel: +33(0)1 49 77 46 23

mailto : eurl.brucellosis@anses.fr


Sample delivery address :

Anses - Laboratory for Animal Health, 

Bacterial Zoonoses Unit, European Reference Laboratory for brucellosis

22 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
94706 Maisons-Alfort Cedex
Tel: +33(0)1 49 77 46 23


International activities & partners

For certain major regulated or emerging pathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites), the health authorities need an effective surveillance system based on a network of reliable laboratories to undertake official analyses. For each regulated pathogen or contaminant requiring surveillance, the health authorities appoint accredited analytical laboratories and a ‘reference’ laboratory. The reference laboratory ensures the reliability of the analyses undertaken by the accredited laboratories. Its mandate may be national (National Reference Laboratory [NRL], in which case it oversees a network of departmental laboratories), European (EURL, in which case it manages a network of NRLs) or international (WHO, OIE or FAO collaborating centre). Depending on the pathogen or contaminant under surveillance and the targeted agent’s level of circulation, the number of accredited laboratories to be supervised may range from just a few to about a hundred.


Our team has extensive expertise in broad areas covering the activities of Reference (serological and bacteriological diagnosis of brucellosis in domestic animals and wildlife, inter-laboratory proficiency trial organization...), as well as Research, including molecular biology and bioinformatics. This team is part of the Bacterial Zoonoses Unit at Anses’ Laboratory for Animal Health. Our work is concentrated on controlling major animal disease epidemics (foot and mouth disease, bluetongue, etc.), bacterial (brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis...), viral and parasitic zoonoses and emerging infectuous multi-species animal diseases, for which it provides substantial scientific and technical support through following EU & international mandates:

—> Three European Union Reference Laboratories

  • Brucellosis
  • Equine diseases
  • Foot-and-mouth disease and similar vesicular diseases (in partnership with Sciensano[JG1] , Belgium)

—> Two FAO Collaborating Centres

  • Brucellosis
  • Foot-and-mouth disease 

—> Six OIE Reference Laboratories 

  • Brucellosis
  • Tuberculosis
  • Foot-and-mouth disease
  • EHDV
  • Avian chlamydiosis, chlamydiosis of small ruminants
  • Glanders

—> One OIE Collaborating Centre: Foodborne zoonotic parasites

NRC Certified Laboratory: Hepatitis E, Chlamydia, foodborne protists 


For more information:



Brucellosis is the generic name used for the animal and human infections caused by several species of the genus Brucella, mainly Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis. Brucellosis is a regulated disease in Europe and is listed by OIE.

NRL Network

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