
[EURL CPS] Circular E-mail N°2014/13 - Information on annual meetings of ISO/TC 34/SC 9 & CEN/TC 275/WG 6

Dear Colleagues,


Please find enclosed the report of the EURL representatives to the annual plenary meetings of ISO/TC 34/SC 9 and CEN/TC 275/WG 6, dealing with international and European standardization in food microbiology, which were held in Washington DC last June. Resolutions/recommendations taken are also appended.


I have represented EURL CPS at these meetings.


To note in particular:

1.       ISO meeting:


Call for participation to the 2013 PT trial on CPS enumeration

Dear Colleagues,

Please find enclosed:

-          Circular letter 2013/09

-          Accompanying document

Related to the 2013 PT trial on CPS enumeration.

With best regards,



Call for participation to the 2013 PT trial on SE detection

Dear Colleagues,

Please find enclosed:

-          Circular letter 2013/10

-          Accompanying document

-          Participation form

Related to the 2013 PT trial on detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins.

With best regards,



Training session on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes by conventional multiplex PCR

De : Adrien ASSERE [mailto:adrien.assere@anses.fr]
Envoyé : vendredi 2 mai 2014 17:16
À : ASSERE Adrien
Objet : _EURL CPS_ Circular E-mail N°2014/04 - Training session on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes by conventional multiplex PCR


Dear Colleagues,

