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AOAC Europe – NMKL – NordVal International arrange an international symposium in Oslo on 3-4 June 2019 Chemical and Microbiological Food Analyses
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AOAC Europe – NMKL – NordVal International arrange an international symposium in Oslo on 3-4 June 2019
Chemical and Microbiological Food Analyses
The aim of the symposium is to bring together scientists, technicians and companies to discuss emerging technologies and techniques with emphasis on recent advances and applications in food analyses.
The scope of this symposium is to discuss different aspects of use, validation and application of –omics related to food, but not only..
The topics listed by the programming committee are:
Genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, foodomics
New rapid methods
Hand-held instrumentation
Digitalization of the analytical process (from sampling to interpretation of results)
The venue is Nationaltheatret konferansenter KS Agenda, Haakon VIIs gate 9, Oslo, Norway (
Ordinary registration fee is 400 EUR, 200 EUR for students.
Please submit abstracts to for poster presentations before 19 March 2019.
The abstract should include the title of the topic, name of the presenter(s) and contact information. Main contents should be max 150 words. Among the abstracts we will choose some to be briefly presented. The best poster will be awarded.
If you would like to contribute as an exhibitor, please notify
For further information, please also visit or
Deadline for registration : 19 March 2019
Merry Christmas and happy New Year !
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Wishing you all the timeless treasures of Christmas…
The warmth of home, the love of family and the company of good friends.
The EURL Team
EFSA-ECDC 2017 Annual Report
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EFSA and ECDC have just published the European Union summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and food-borne outbreaks in 2017:
It includes a chapter on Listeria (Chapter 3, p. 67-85) for whose drafting we have collaborated with EFSA.
Cases of listeriosis decreased slightly in 2017: 2,480 infections were reported, against 2,509 in 2016. However, the trend has been upward over the past five years. The group most affected by the disease in 2017 were the elderly, particularly those over 84. In this age group, listeriosis fatality rate was 24%. The highest levels of L. monocytogenes were detected in fish and fishery products (6%), followed by ready-to-eat salads (4.2%).
EFSA-ECDC 2017 Annual Report
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EFSA and ECDC have just published the European Union summary report on trends and sources of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and food-borne outbreaks in 2017:
In the chapter on food-borne outbreaks (Chapter 16, p. 209-250), data on FBOs due to bacterial toxins, including staphylococcal enterotoxins, can be found. In addition, a sub-chapter (17.2, p. 251-252) is dedicated to staphylococcal enterotoxins, being a microbiological contaminant covered by a food safety criterion in EC Regulation 2073/2005.
Workshop of the Italian NRL for Official Control Italian Laboratories in Torino (15 November)
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Déborah MERDA was invited by the Italian NRL, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte (IZSTo), to attend its annual workshop for their National official control laboratories (OCL).
The Italian NRL presented different PTs performed along 2018. The OCL presented their recent staphylococcal food poisoning outbreaks and their research project.
The purpose of the attendance of Déborah MERDA was to present the EURL for CPS work on WGS and real time PCR method. These 2 methods aroused enthousiasm among the laboratories, some were even willing to implement them in their laboratory.
Meeting of the ISO WG 19 (13-15 Nov)
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Hélène BERGIS participated to the meeting of the WG 19 of ISO /TC 34/SC 9 in charge of writting the second part of ISO 20976-2 "Microbiology of the food chain - Guidelines for conducting challenge tests - Part 2: Inactivation".
This meeting was held in Avignon (France) on 13-15 November.
This working group is also in charge of drafting a standard on "Determination and use of cardinal values".
Training on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes by multiplex real-time PCR (15-16 November)
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Alexandra CAUQUIL & Noémie VINGADASSALON organised a training session held at the EURL for CPS Maisons-Alfort (FR) on 15-16 November.
This training session was dedicated to the detection of se genes in CPS strains by real-time PCR for 3 NLRs (LV, IS & MK).
Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR" of Latvia (Lasma EGLITE),
Matis ohf of Iceland (Anna Pala VIGNISDOTTIR),
and Microbiology of food and feed of Macedonia (Marija RATKOVA).
Training on challenge tests assessing the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat food (6-7 Dec)
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A training session was organised on 6-7 December in Maisons-Alfort (FR) by EURL for Lm (Hélène BERGIS, Ludivine BONANNO & Pauline ROBIN). It was dedicated to challenge tests assessing the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat food. This training session was requested by the Lithuanian NRL and the two trainees were Jovita PETRUSKEVICIENE & Audinga VERBICKIENE from the National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute.
Meeting of WG 2 Statistics of ISO/TC 34/SC9 (18-19 October, 2018)
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Bertrand LOMBARD convened the 28th meeting of WG 2 Statistics of ISO/TC 34/SC 9 "Food products-Microbiology", held at Campden BRI, Campden UK, on 18-19 October.
The main topic on the agenda was the revision of ISO/TS 19036, dealing with measurement uncertainty for quantitative determinations. This project is led by Basi JARVIS (Project Leader), Keith JEWEL and Paul IN'T VELD (co-Project Leaders).
More precisely, WG 2 has given a follow-up to the ISO/CEN vote on ISO/DIS 19036. This vote had a very positive outcome with 100% approvals but with many comments. All comments have been reviewed, a new draft is being prepared by WG 2 which will be then submitted to final vote in 2019. It is expected that the revised standard be published by the end of 2019.
Other topics have been also dealt, including statistical aspects related to method validation/verification (EN ISO 16140 series), validation of calculation tools.
Meeting of WG 2 Statistics of ISO/TC 34/SC9 (18-19 October, 2018)
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Bertrand LOMBARD convened the 28th meeting of WG 2 Statistics of ISO/TC 34/SC 9 "Food products-Microbiology", held at Campden BRI, Campden UK, on 18-19 October.
The main topic on the agenda was the revision of ISO/TS 19036, dealing with measurement uncertainty for quantitative determinations. This project is led by Basi JARVIS (Project Leader), Keith JEWEL and Paul IN'T VELD (co-Project Leaders).
More precisely, WG 2 has given a follow-up to the ISO/CEN vote on ISO/DIS 19036. This vote had a very positive outcome with 100% approvals but with many comments. All comments have been reviewed, a new draft is being prepared by WG 2 which will be then submitted to final vote in 2019. It is expected that the revised standard be published by the end of 2019.
Other topics have been also dealt, including statistical aspects related to method validation/verification (EN ISO 16140 series), validation of calculation tools.