News list

Science Meets Policy conference: Using Next Generation Sequencing to tackle foodborne threats
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EFSA and the Inter- EURLs Working Group on Whole Genome Sequencing are jointly organising the second event of the “Science Meets Policy” conference, which will be held in Parma, Italy on the 5th and 6th  of September 2023.  The registration for the conference is now open and available on this link: Registration is open until 31 May at 12:00 (CEST) for physical participation and 1 September for online attendance.
Seminar Pablo Gago Ferrero - 12 April 2023
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Vidéo   Pablo Gago Ferrero I am Ramon y Cajal researcher and the leader of a research team (the Expo-Hum group). My research strives for increased knowledge about the chemical exposome and on the development of methods to measure it (exposomics). I have extensive experience on the application of HRMS for a better understanding of the current environmental and health challenges related to chemicals. My main goal is to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the universe of chemicals that accumulate in humans and link it to human health. I am topic editor on the exposome in Environmental Science & Technology Selected publications Gil-Solsona, R., Nika, M., Bustamante, M., Villanueva, C., Foraster, M., Alygizakis, N., Gomez-Roig, M.D., Llurba-Olive, E., Sunyer, J., Thomaidis, N., Dadvand, P., Gago-Ferrero P*. (2021) The potential of sewage sludge to predict and evaluate the human’s chemical exposome. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 8, 12, 1077–1084. Menger, F., Boström, G., Jonsson, O., Ahrens, L., Wiberg, K., Kreuger, J., Gago-Ferrero P*., (2021) Identification of pesticide transformation products in surface water using suspect screening combined with national monitoring data. Environmental Science & Technology. 55, 10343−10353. Gago-Ferrero, P*., Bletsou, A.A., Damalas, D.E., Aalizadeh, R., Alygizakis, N.A., Singer, H.P., Hollender, J., Thomaidis, N.S., (2020) Wide-scope target screening of >2000 emerging contaminants in wastewater samples with UPLC-Q-ToF-HRMS/MS and smart evaluation of its performance through the validation of 195 selected representative. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 387, 121712. Editor-Selected Outstanding Paper for 2020. Gago-Ferrero, P*., Krettek, A., Fischer, S., Wiberg K., Ahrens, L., (2018) Suspect screening and regulatory databases: A powerful combination to identify Emerging Micropollutants. Environmental Science & Technology. 52:6881-6894. Gago-Ferrero, P*., Schymanski, E.L., Bletsou, A.A., Aalizadeh, R., Hollender, J., Thomaidis, N.A., (2015) Extended suspect and non-target strategies to characterize emerging polar organic contaminants in raw wastewater with LC-HRMS/MS. Environmental Science & Technology. 49(20):12333-12341. Selected awards Emerging Scientific Talent Award in recognition of the scientific career and the capacity for emerging scientific leadership in the area of Chemistry (Catalan Chemical Society). American Chemical Society James J. Morgan Early career Award mention Award for Scientific Research into Urban Challenges in the City of Barcelona The Expo-Hum group Chemicals are part of our daily lives, and we are exposed to multiple chemicals through multiple pathways. Significant questions and huge gaps remain about their adverse human health impacts and societal costs. Relevant scientific evidence contributing to regulation of hazardous chemicals requires a holistic approach to assess simultaneous exposure to multiple compounds. We use the last advances in analytical chemistry (advanced HRMS-based approaches) to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the universe of chemicals that accumulate (or pseudo-accumulate) in humans and their link with the environment. Also, we link the exposure to those compounds with adverse health effects by (I) investigating changes in the metabolic pathways (applying metabolomics) and (II) evaluating adverse health outcomes in collaboration with epidemiologists. We also focus our research on the development of early warning systems for the detection of chemicals that may pose a threat to human health to prevent possible threats.
First report of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus argenteus as a foodborne pathogen
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EURL CPS has published an article on the enterotoxigenic properties of the CPS Staphylococcus argenteus. You are welcome to read and download the final version of this article on ScienceDirect until May 12, 2023  
Best practices for alternative egg production systems - Final Conference
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On 3 May 2023, in Brussels, will take place a high-level conference presenting the results of a two-year European Parliament pilot project on Best practices for transitioning to higher welfare cage-free egg production systems. This pilot project is particularly relevant in the context of the Commission's commitment, in response to the European Citizen's Initiative End the Cage Age' to propose legislation to phase-out the use of cages for laying hens (and other species). The project aimed to help EU producers to convert conventional egg production systems to higher-welfare alternative systems and to guarantee them that they stay in business by providing practical guidance and recommendations on economic aspects. The findings of this project will also be used by the Commission in the current revision of the animal welfare legislation. To participate in the conference, you need to register by 18 April.  The conference will be web streamed. Click here to get access to the website where the agenda and registration link are available If you have any questions, please get in touch with
Outbreaks of Foot-and-Mouth disease in Türkiye
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The SAT2 FMDV previously identified in Iraq and Jordan has recently been identified in Türkiye (Iğdır). The FMD symptoms were observed in cattle recently introduced into the farm. For more information:
Adoption of EURL Lm Guidance document on the competence of laboratories implementing shelf-life studies
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We are pleased to inform you that the revision of EURL Lm Guidance document on the competence of laboratories implementing shelf-life studies (Version 3 – 10 February 2023) has been adopted by EC Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (PAFF Committee) at its meeting of 10 February 2023. This version is available on the DG SANTE website: link. You will be able to find also this link at the end of EURL Lm homepage: “Guidance documents”. This is the end of a revision cycle: started with the publication in 2019 of the first CEN ISO standard on shelf-life studies: EN ISO 20976-1 "Microbiology of the food chain - Requirements and guidelines for conducting challenge tests of food and feed products - Part 1: Challenge tests to study growth potential, lag time and maximum growth rate". EURL Lm had contributed to the development of the Standard through the WG19 "Guidelines for conducting challenge tests" of the ISO/TC 34/SC 9. Continued by the revision of the EURL Lm Technical Guidance Document Lm shelf-life studies endorsed by the member states on 01/07/2021: link. Many thanks once more to the representatives of 6 NRLs Lm which have collaborated with Hélène BERGIS and Ludivine BONANNO to draft this document.
Centre presentation and stunning of broilers videos
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The Centre is celebrating the production of two videos. The first is a presentation video of EURCAW Poultry-SFA which can be found on the website pages "Home" and "About Us" or directly here. The second one is on the assessment of the state of consciousness after waterbath stunning in broiler chickens which can be found on the website page "Stunning" or directly here.
Br. melitensis and B. anthracis - MIC and zone diameter distributions available
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[relayed from EUCAST]  EUCAST will during 2023, based on the work of theEMERGE AST Working Group, strive to publish clinical breakpoints and disk diffusion correlates for Brucella melitensis and Bacillus anthracis. Through the joint effort of the group and EUCAST, MIC and zone diameter distributions are now available. ECOFFs are under development and will be available soonest. For more  information:  Tscherne, A.; Mantel, E.; Boskani, T.; Budniak, S.; Elschner, M.; Fasanella, A.; Feruglio, S.L.; Galante, D.; Giske, C.G.; Grunow, R.; et al. Adaptation of Brucella melitensis Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing to the ISO 20776 Standard and Validation of the Method. Microorganisms 2022, 10, 1470. microorganisms10071470 MIC EUCAST  
Novel Species of Brucella Causing Human Brucellosis, French Guiana
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[relayed from abstract] This paper reports 2 cases of brucellosis in male patients who were hospitalized in distinct towns of French Guiana, an overseas territory of France located on the northeastern shore of South America. Both men were citizens of Brazil working as clandestine goldminers in the deep Amazonian rainforest. Characterization of the 2 bacterial isolates revealed that they represent a potential new species of Brucella: Brucella amazionensis. For more information:  About, F., Pastre, T., Boutrou, M., Martinez, A., Melzani, A., Peugny, S....Keriel, A. (2023). Novel Species of Brucella Causing Human Brucellosis, French Guiana. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29(2), 333-340.
Seminar of Jian Wang (ACIA - Canada) & Jon Wong (US FDA) - February 2023
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In order to start this new cycle of seminars in the WG HRMET (ANSES working group on HRMS and metabolomics), I would like to invite you to listen Jon Wong and Jian Wang on the use and value of HRMS to improve health surveillance. The seminar will be in English. - Jon is a researcher at the US FDA (food and drug administration) and a specialist in mass spectrometry and analysis of contaminants and pesticide residues in food Jon Wong is a Research Chemist with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition located in College Park, Maryland, USA.  He was a Chemist at the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms from 1997-2002 and has been at FDA since 2002.  His work has focused on the development and validation of multiresidue pesticide methods using gas and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.  In the last ten years, he and Dr. Jian Wang from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, have collaborated and developed high resolution mass spectrometry workflows to analyze and screen for pesticides, mycotoxins, and veterinary drugs in food and other agricultural matrices.   Dr. Wong has BS degrees in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Davis, a MS degree in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University, and a PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry from UC Davis.  He is a Board member of the AOAC Official Methods Board Committee and the North America Chemical Residue Workshop, an Associate Editor for the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, and an Editorial Advisory Board member of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.  - Jian Wang is a researcher at the CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) also specializing in mass spectrometry and analysis of contaminants and pesticide residues in food Dr. Jian Wang received his PhD from University of Alberta. He has been working as a Research Scientist at the Calgary Laboratory, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, since 2002. He is in charge of Research and Development Unit in Calgary Laboratory, CFIA. His scientific expertise resides on research and method development using UHPLC/ESI-MS/MS, UHPLC/ESI QqTOF and UHPLC/ESI Q-Orbitrap for analysis of chemical contaminant residues including antibiotics, pesticides, etc. in food. He, along with Dr Jon Wong, FDA, and many other colleagues, is keen to promote Non-target Data Acquisition for Target Analysis (nDATA) using high resolution mass spectrometry for enhanced monitoring program of a large number of chemical contaminants and for flexible testing scope to increase sample throughput. Dr Wang also carries on research on food authenticity based on HRMS and metabolomics. Dr Wang is a member of Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR). Vidéo Seminar
