European Union Reference Laboratory for

The 11th Workshop was held in Maisons-Alfort on 20 et 21st of September. A total of 28 countries including France were represented. Two invited speakers contributed to 2 major topics during the workshop: 1) Alexandre Fediaevsky (DG SANTE, Brussels) highlighted main steps on Animal Health Law implementation and consequences on Brucellosis surveillance and control in Europe ; 2) Sascha Al Dahouk (BfR, Berlin) presented updates on atypical Brucella and especially recent data relative to Amphibian isolates.
Six National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) including France presented oral communications on brucellosis serological diagnosis in swine, Brucellosis in frogs and the Bulgarian representative described the Brucellosis situation and associated reference activities from his country.
Many thanks to all contributors and participants!
Many perspectives were discussed during both days to prepare the 2019-2020 Workprogramme, including reagents and standarisation of Brucella ovis diagnostic, new kits available for porcine brucellosis diagnostic, implementation of genomic tools and changes related to the future Anmal Health Law. Reports and presentations will be soon available on the website.
Looking forward to working further together on these topics of comon interest !
The EURL team