♦ 26 July 2017 ♦
The annual online activity questionnaire was submitted to all National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) early 2017 to collect and collate data on methods used and results of tests carried out in the Community in the frame of rabies control programmes (Commission regulations (EU) N° 737/2008 and N°415/2013). The report is available in the EURL for rabies website for private members only.
♦ 14-15 June 2017 ♦
The meeting of the LRUE serology rabies followed directly the 9th workshop for rabies on 14 and 15 June and lasted one day and a half. This meeting is mainly dedicated to approved laboratories for the serology of pets as part of movements to and from the European Union. A total of 87 participants from all continents attended this meeting, as well as the international organizations already present during 9th workshop for rabies, the DGAL (French General...
♦ 30 July 2017 ♦
The annual rabies serology proficiency test is still ongoing. The last signed results must be sent before 31st July to Anses-Nancy. A total of 78 laboratories from all continents participated: 46 from Europe, 12 from América, 12 from Asia, 7 from Africa and 1 from Oceania. The report will be released before 31st October, as requested by the European Commission, in the new electronical format, as described in the Proficiency test for rabies serology...
♦ 30 May 2017 ♦
[Relayed from www.anses.fr] “The ANSES newsletter contains all the Agency's latest information updates, upcoming events and recent publications, so that readers can stay up-to-date on all the current news. Subscription is free of charge and may be cancelled at any time. Subscribers will receive the newsletter by e-mail.” Follow this link to suscribe to the newsletter in English. To consult the latest issue of the Anses’newsletter, click here...
♦ 09 June 2017 ♦
The Global alliance for rabies control is launching the 11th World Rabies day and call once again for your events. This year theme is 'Rabies: Zero by 30', to confirm their pledge to eliminate human deaths from canine rabies by 2030. Do not hesitate to register your event on the dedicated website page and to promote World Rabies day among your contacts. The Global alliance for rabies control also call to help them to recognise the individuals and...
♦ 13-15 June 2017 ♦
Thank you to all of you who registered to one or both meetings that will be held next month in Budapest! A total of ninety-five scientists and representatives of institutions from all over the world have promised to attend either the 9th Workshop for Rabies or the Rabies Serology Meeting, showing the huge concern regarding this disease. See you all in Budapest!
♦ 29 May 2017 ♦
The sample panels for the 2017 session of the inter laboratory test for rabies diagnosis will be sent on Monday 29th May. Participating laboratories which have not totally complied with the administrative documentation should now hurry as no derogation to this date will be made and samples will be sent only all relevant documents have been sent in time to the EURL for rabies. Laboratories have one month to hand back their results.
♦ 01 April 2017 ♦
In order to lighten your mailbox and provide you a more concentrated information, please be informed that this EURL newsletter will be distributed every two months from now on. Although the contains of the newsletter remain roughly the same, a new part dedicated to the rabies serology is now included. Any comments – positive or negative – regarding this information letter will be welcome from your part! Should you wish to be added, or retrieved from...
♦ 07 April 2017 ♦
The ANSES Nancy laboratory is accredited for the rabies serology proficiency tests by COFRAC (sole national accreditation body) according to the ISO/CEI 17043 international standard. All details regarding this accreditation can be found on the COFRAC website (in French)
♦ 04 May 2017 ♦
The annual rabies serology proficiency test is ongoing. Sample panels for this test have been sent to participants willing to renew or obtain their approval in accordance with Commission Decision 2010/436/EU for the purposes of their authorisation to carry out the serological tests to monitor the effectiveness of the anti-rabies vaccination. Result shall be sent back to Anses-Nancy within 45 days after receipt of the panel. More information on approved rabies...