CPS Calendar
- 2025:
- 1-2 April: 19th Annual Workshop of EURL CPS
- 7th March: 10th meeting of the WG on typing methods
- 2024:
- 10th December: 15th meeting of the Inter EURLs WG
- 15th-16th October: EURL WGS training at the NRL in Slovenia
- 17th October: meeting of Inter EURLs WG on NGS guidance document on Quality Check of NGS data
- 26 June: 14th meeting of the Inter EURLs WG on NGS
- 25-26 June: Joint NGS training organised by the Inter EURLs WG on NGS
- 11-13 June: 18th Annual Workshop of EURL CPS
- 9 April: 9th meeting of the working group on typing methods
- 2023:
- 13 December: 13th meeting of the Inter EURLs WG on NGS
- 23 November: 8th meeting of the working group on typing methods
- 24-26 October: 17th Annual Workshop of EURL CPS
- 29 September: webinar on “Proficiency Tests on NGS: approaches in use at the European Union Reference Laboratories”
- 5-6 September: "Science meets Policy" conferences co-organised by EFSA and the Inter EURLs WG on NGS
- 30 June: 7th meeting of the working group on typing mehods
- 22 June: 12th meeting of the Inter EURLs WG on NGS
- 20-21 June : Joint NGS training organised by the Inter EURLs WG on NGS
- 2nd March: meeting of the Inter EURLs WG on NGS - Discussion on Proficiency Tests
- 21st February: launching of the inter-laboratory comparison on the wet lab of Whole Genome Sequencing within the Working group on typing methods
- 2022:
- 6th December: 11th meeting of the Inter EURLs WG on NGS in Bruxelles
- 25th October: 6th meeting of the EURLs WG on typing methods
- 20th -21th October: EURLs joint-training on measurement uncertainty
- 5th-6th October: EURL WGS training at the NRL in Hungary
- 26th September: PT on CPS enumeration
- 15th - 16th September EURL SE training: Italian project of implementation ELISA specific ES
- 5th and 6th September: Training session on EN ISO 19020
- 22nd June: 10th meeting of the Inter EURLs WG on NGS
- 13th-14th June: Joint NGS training in Rome organised by the Inter EURLs WG on NGS
- 30th May - 1 June: 16th workshop of the EURL/NRLs
- 27th April: 7th meeting of the WG 25 on ISO 23418 (WGS)
- 29th March: PT staphylococcal enterotoxins detection
- 3rd March: Inter EURLs WG on NGS meeting: organization of joint trainings
- 1st Fevrier : 5th meeting of the EURLs WG on typing methods
- 2021:
- 14th December: 9th Inter EURLs WG on NGS meeting
- 18th October: PT on the CPS enumeration
- 22nd October: 4th meeting of the EURLs WG on typing methods
- 4th October: 15th workshop of the EURL/NRLs (enumeratio and typing)
- 30th June: I8th nter EURLs WG on NGS meeting
- 13th April: 6th meeting of the WG 25 on ISO 23418 (WGS)
- 4th May: 15th workshop of the EURL/NRLs
- 2020:
- PT on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin
- 26-28 June: workshop of the EURL/NRLs
- 2019:
- PT on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin
- 26-28 June: workshop of the EURL/NRLs
WG13 meeting on the revision of EN ISO 6888
On 27 November 2018, Alexandra CAUQUIL, Project leader of the revision of EN ISO 6888 part 2, and Bertrand LOMBARD participated to the meeting of the Working Group 13 (of ISO/TC 34/SC 9) dedicated to the revision of 6888.
After the publication of the 2nd Amendment of the 1st part in July 2018 concerning the optional confirmation by RPFA, the purpose of this meeting was the harmonisation of the 3 parts of the Standard Methods.
At this stage the aim is to prepare the DIS for the 1st trimester 2019.
Next meeting of the working group 13 will be on 11 December.
Training in Cyprus on the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes by multiplex real-time PCR (27-28 Sept)
Alexandra CAUQUIL & Noémie VINGADASSALON organised a training session held in Cyprus on 27-28 September.
This training session was dedicated to the detection of se genes in CPS strains by real-time PCR for 2 Cyprus NLRs :
- LCFAO of Cyprus (Marios Evangelou, Christina Kamilari, Elli Karavi, Christos Kourtis, Katiana Neophytou and Georgios Papageorgiou)
- SGL of Cyprus (Costas Arsenoglou and Maria Emmanouil)