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Training session on the morphological identification of Fruit fly larvae (Diptera: Tephritidae) at import control

From 07 November 2023 to 08 November 2023



Fruit fly larvae are the harmful organisms that are most frequently intercepted during inspection of imported fruits and vegetables at EU ports of entry. After the new list of regulated fruit fly taxa introduced by Regulation (EU) 2021/2285,  there is a strong need to improve the skills of National Reference Laboratories in the identification of these pests, which are frequently intercepted as larva during inspection of imported fruits and vegetables from Third Countries. This training aims to provide deeper insight into morphological identification of Tephritidae larvae. Participants will learn about the most commonly encountered Diptera families of economic significance, the preparation and slide mounting of fruit fly larvae, the morphological features useful in the identification of the most frequently intercepted taxa for a better preparedness to a rapid and reliable diagnosis. 


The training will take place in the EURL facilities in Montferrier-sur-Lez (Montpellier) on November 7th-8th (2 days). A maximum number of 6 participants can be accepted. 


EVENT CONCLUDED - Please, find all the presentations of the event by clicking HERE



PT 2022 Thaumatotibia leucotreta - Molecular

From 07 October 2022 to 17 November 2022

Event concluded, final report available

The purpose of the proficiency test was to assess proficiency of the EU national reference laboratories (NRLs) to identify Thaumatotibia leucotreta from macerated insect tissue and DNA extracted from Tortricidae using molecular methods. It was organized in 2022 by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Institute for Sustainable Plant Production, Dept. for Molecular Diagnostics of Plant Disease, Spargelfeldstrasse 191, 1220 Vienna, Austria, as part of its activities as a partner of the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) for Insects and Mites. The proficiency test was organized taking into consideration the guidelines of the EPPO standard PM 7/122 (2) (EPPO, 2022) and the ISO/IEC 17043:2010.

This report (Report No. 2021/004) is distributed to the participating National Reference Laboratories, to the NCA and the EC by the organizer. Reproduction of this document is permitted in full only, publication is not permitted.

This material is reserved for NRL staff, we are counting on you to ensure that it is not disclosed outside your laboratory. Thank you for your understanding. 

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From 29 November 2022 to 29 November 2022


The workshop was held at AGES in Vienna, Austria on 29th November 2022. It was organised as hybrid event (face to face and online). This event united 30 representatives of NRLs from the member states, of the EC, EPPO, EFSA and academia. More than 70 viewers followed the workshop via webcast during different sessions. The program encompassed a thorough scientific and educational schedule that included key talks on fruit flies and latest advances in identification of insects by barcoding and HTS. In a closed session, the validation studies on Thaumatotibia leucotreta and the corresponding results of the PTs were presented and discussed. To enhance the collaboration between EURL, EPPO and EFSA, the relevant activities of these organizations were shared with the participants. Selected NRLs introduced themselves, the improvement of internal communication between NRLs and EURL were discussed. We hope, that the workshop contributed to increase networking between the NRLs and the EURL and promoted a harmonized and enhanced diagnostics of quarantine insects.



Thank you all for your participation and we look forward to seeing you all again in 2023!

Please, find all the material (report and presentations) from the event by clicking HERE




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PT 2021 Bactrocera zonata - molecular

From 11 October 2021 to 01 December 2021

Event concluded, final report available

The proficiency test was organized in 2021 by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), as part of its activities as a partner of the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) for Insects and Mites. The proficiency test covered molecular identification of Bactrocera zonata, providing to each participant eight samples containing DNA of the target and non-target Tephritidae. The proficiency test was organized taking into consideration the guidelines of the EPPO standard PM 7/122 (1) (EPPO, 2014) and the ISO/IEC 17043:2010.

This report (Report No. 2021/003) is distributed to the participating National Reference Laboratories, to the NCA and the EC by the organizer. Reproduction of this document is permitted in full only, publication is not permitted.

This material is reserved for NRL staff, we are counting on you to ensure that it is not disclosed outside your laboratory. Thank you for your understanding. 

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Webinar for the molecular identification of Spodoptera frugiperda and Thrips palmi

From 13 October 2020 to 15 October 2020



We are pleased to invite you to participate in an interactive, live webinar hosted by AGES from 13th to 15th October 2020, entitled: Molecular identification of Spodoptera frugiperda and Thrips palmi.

Register for this webinar to learn:
·        Best practices for molecular testing (real time PCR) to identify insects
·        How to establish and optimize real time PCR tests for Spodoptera frugiperda and Thrips palmi
·        Troubleshooting
·        Guidance on validation and verification
·        General quality assurance issues and requirements

The webinar will consist of three half days.

A detailed programme and registration form will be avalable soon on the Training documents page!


EVENT CONCLUDED- Please, find all the material (report, presentations and videos) from the event by clicking HERE

Training sessions on the morphological identification of Spodoptera frugiperda

From 29 November 2021 to 03 December 2021


Training sessions on the morphological identification of Spodoptera frugiperda, including practical part on dissection technique and preparation of slide-mounted genitalia.

The training will take place in the EURL facilities in Montferrier-sur-Lez (Montpellier) and will last 1,5 days. A maximum number of 4 participants per session is admitted. Two sessions will be organised, from 30 November to 1 December and from 2 to 3 December.


Participants who have registered in 2020 do not have to register again and will be contacted for confirmation by the EURL staff. If other NRL staff members are interested in the training, please contact the EURL at eurl-insects-mites@anses.fr.

The costs will be reimbursed for only one NRL representative per EU Member State (travel, hotel expenses and daily allowance).


Full Programme, Registration form, Reimbursement letter and form are available at this link


EVENT CONCLUDED - Please, find all the presentations of the event by clicking HERE




From 04 November 2020 to 04 November 2020


The EURL's Workshop 2020 is ust around the corner!

The first workshop organised by EURL for insects and mites is getting closer and closer.  It will take place on 4 November 2020 and will be held by videoconference.

This decision was taken after collecting the NRLs' preferences on how the Workshop should be held, in light of the unpredictable evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The videocenferencing format certainly limits the interactions between participants, but it has a positive side: it allows you to open the event to more than one participant per NRL, so don't hesitate to involve more members of your team! 

The full agenda and the registration form are available in the Workshop Documents page. Please return the filled-in registration form by October 14. 


IMPORTANT: the videoconferencing software used will be Skype Business. You will receive an invitation with a link to attend the meeting. The connection will be made via the WebApp. A test will be scheduled the week before the Workshop.


EVENT CONCLUDED - Please, find all the material (report and presentations) from the event by clicking HERE


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PT 2020 Thrips palmi

From 03 March 2020 to 31 December 2020

Event concluded, final report available

The Anses (Montpellier, France) and Ages (Vienna, Austria) are mandated as European Reference Laboratories for Insects and Mites. In this context, they organize interlaboratory proficiency tests for the detection of insects and mites in which EU National Reference Laboratories are required to participate.

This proficiency test aimed to evaluate the capacity of participating laboratories to identify Thrips palmi through morphological and molecular analyses, by evaluating the accuracy of their results. Both final reports (morphological and molecular tests) are merged in the downloadable file below.

This material is reserved for NRL staff, we are counting on you to ensure that it is not disclosed outside your laboratory. Thank you for your understanding.


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